alt x alt y a class=stylename datafld datasrc dir href id lang language methods name onbeforecopy onbeforecut onbeforeeditfocus onbeforepaste onblur onclick oncontextmenu oncopy oncut ondblclick ondrag ondragend ondragenter ondragleave ondragover ondragstart ondrop onfocus onhelp onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onlosecapture onmousedown onmousemove onmouseout onmouseover onpaste onpropertychange onreadystatechange onresize onselectstart onserverclick rel rev runat style tabindex target title type urn >TEXT
Syntax: required,optional
// inline comment 
/* multiline comments */
Statements: statement; {statement;statement}
Variables: Place holders for values. 
var var1,var2,var3;   // declares var1, var2, and var3 as an untyped variable
    var1 = expression;   // assigns the value of an expression to var1
var str1 = new String(); //declares str1 as a string variable
    str1 = "abcdef"; // assigns str1 the value abcdef
    str1.big(); // returns <big>abcdef</big>
    str1.concat("xxx"); //returns abcdefxxx
    str1.charAt(1); // returns b
    str1.charCodeAt(1); // returns 98, ascii for b
    str1.fixed(); // returns <tt>abcdef</tt>
    str1.indexOf("cd",0); // returns 2, c is the 2nd character
    str1.indexOf("z",0); // returns -1
    str1.length; // returns 6
    str1.match("ab"); // returns 6
    str1.replace("cd","xx"); // returns abxxef"c") // returns 2[c-z]||[a-c]/); // returns 2. /[c-z]/ is called a RegExp
    str1.substr(2,2) // returns cd, substr(start,length)
    str1.substring(2,3); // returns cd, substring(start,end)
    str1.slice(2,3); // returns cd, substring(start,end)
    arr1=str1.split("c");// arr1[0] returns ab, arr1[1] returns def
    str1.toUpperCase() // returns ABCDEF
    str1=str1 + 'hello' // str1=abcdefhello
    str1+= 'hello' // str1 = abcdefhello
    str1+= "\n" // str1 = abcdef + carriage return
var arr1 = new Array(value1,value2,value3...);
    arr1[0]  =value // assigns a value to an arr1[0]
    arr1[1.2]=value // assigns a value to an arr2[1.2]
    arr1['x']=value //assigns a value to arr3['x']
    arr1.reverse()//reverses arr1
    arr1.sort()//sorts arr1
Expressions: (expression) Returns a value. It can be a condition, an expression or constant.
    nbr1=(nbr2 operator nbr3)... // operators are: *,/,+,-,%
    nbr1=(8*3) // nbr1 = 24
    nbr1=(8/3) // nbr1 = 2
    nbr1=(8%3) // nbr1 = 2 (the remainder of 8/3)
    nbr1=(8+3) // nbr1 = 11
    nbr1=(8-3) // nbr1 = 5
    nbr1++     // nbr1 = nbr1 + 1
    nbr1+= 2   // nbr1 = nbr1 + 2
Conditions: (condition) // returns true or false, false is equal to 0.
    condition is: (var1 test var2) // test is: ==,>=,<=,!=
    test1=(8==3)       // false, 8=3
    test1=(8>=3)       // false
    test1=(8<=3)       // true
    test1=(8!=3)       // true, ! means not
    test1=!(8==3)      // true, ! means not
    test1=(8<3)        // false
    test1=(8>3)        // true
    test1=(8=3)||(8=8) // true, || means OR
    test1=(8=3)&&(8=8) // false, && means AND
    ~  // um?l
    ?:  // inline condition for if true
var date = new Date() //mydate is number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970, 00:00:00, 
    date // returns a date string in the format "Thu, 11 Jan 1996 06:20:00 GMT". 
    date.getDay();     // returns 0 = Sunday, 6=Saturday
    date.getMonth()    // returns 0 = January
    date.getFullYear() // returns 1970 - 9999
    date.getDate()     // returns 1 = 1st, 31=31st
    date.getHours()    // returns 0 = 23
    date.getMinutes()  // returns 0-59
    date.getSeconds()  // returns 0-59
    date.setDate(date2) // sets date to the date2 Date object
    date.setFullYear('1999') // sets the year to 1999
    date.setMonth(0) // sets the month to January
    date.setHours(0) // sets the time to midnight
    date.setTime(0) // ?????
    date.toDateString()) // returns Fri May 6 2005
    date.toLocaleDateString() // returns the date in your system format;
    date.toString() // returns Fri May 6 01:00:00 PST 2005
var obj1 = new Object() // Creates a generic object 
    obj1.prop="hello" // Creates a property called prop for obj1 and sets it to hello

Statements alert (value) // displays a popup with value and ok button confirm (value) // displays a popup with value, and ok/cancel buttons. Returns true or false for (var1=1;var1>=1;var=var+1) statement { break // exits the loop. continue // executes next loop } for (property in object) statements // loops through object.* function functionname (parameter,parameter) statements { return expression } if (condition) {statement} else {statement} prompt (var1,var2) // displays a textbox showing var1, ok/cancel buttons. Returns the textbox value setTimeout (functionname,value) // executes functionname after value. value=Seconds/1000. while (condition) statements with (object) property = value Property references without an object use the default object with (Math) {var xx=sin(angle); replaces var xx=Math.sin(angle);var x2=Math.cos(angle);
JavaScript Built-in Objects Built//in objects can be accessed by both the client and server. Math Provides numerical constants and mathematical functions. Document // The text within the HTML's <BODY>>tag document.write('text') // writes text to the current window document.links('anchorName') // returns the href of <a href='' name='anchorName'>xxxx</a> document.links('anchorID') // returns the href of <a href='' ID='anchorName'>xxxx</a> form // An object for gathering and echoing data, created by HTML <FORM> tags. window // is the Explorer's window window.status = 'string'; // Sets the window status to 'string' window.locaton = ''; // Redirects the window to yahoo window.print(); // prints the current window window.blur(); // puts the current window behind the previous window window.close(); //prompts to close the current window window.defaultStatus = 'yes'; // sets the window default status (href,handle,features); features are:,dependent=yes,fullscreen=yes,resizable=yes, height=100px,width=100px,left=0px,top=0px, status=yes,scrollbar=yes,toolbar=yes // creates a popup explorer window popup.document.write("hello") // streams text to the popup popup.document.write(" there") // streams more text popup.window.focus() // brings the popup to the top popup.window.close() // closes the popup