..Getting settled into Louisville
Thats FUNNY!
I had to tell her my email address is ajilon@lvdude.com several times.
Since my refinance failed after signing the closing papers, I feel cautious when people say something is a done deal.
Ajilon's being 'late' and not calling me made me feel very leary about coming here.
I had to pin them down with, "If you say go, I'll take off Saturday. If not, I'll wait another week. Should I go?".
It's odd they'd still be doing a background check on me.
Reference checks beyond the question, 'does this person exist' has never made any sense to me anyway.
What is a person going to do? Put down a bad reference?
Like I'd put down Rodney Dangerfield's number. "Yea, jim has a big heart...and a big everything else too.".
I still haven't seen Ajilon's contract. I'm headed there today to sign some papers.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 2:00:00 AM, From: jim, To: sae